Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Domain Name System

The Domain Name System (DNS) is probably the best know example of a well used distributed system that the Internet has to offer. I'm discussing two papers in this blog post related to DNS, "Development of the Domain Name System" [DEV] and DNS Performance and the Effectiveness of Caching" [PERF].

The authors of [DEV] gave a report on the development of DNS and learned lessons. First, they clearly make a point of trying to justify that their system can scale. They even claim that close to "50% of all root server traffic could be eliminated by improvements in various  resolver implementations to use less aggressive retransmission and better caching". Interestingly enough, the authors of [PERF] claim that implementations are still "overly persistent"! In fact, they say that implementations still incur many more retransmissions than are necessary. It seems ironic (in the sense that there is all this other distributed systems research) that the entire DNS system scales based on the simple ideas of redundancy and caching!

While the authors of [DEV] claim that caching was a success ... they don't mention some of the security issues (or mention security at all) that makes caching a potential problem. Specifically, there have been techniques that have taken advantage of DNS caches (cache poisoning). I'm not sure of the status of these exploits ...

The authors of [DEV] also discussed how negative caching can be effective even though it conflicts with their intuition. The authors of [PERF] actually show that 13% of all lookups actually result in a negative response. This actually seems very realistic to me because lots of applications try and do reverse lookups on IP addresses. However, lots of name server implementations choose simply not to include that information because the IP addresses that they map are constantly changing (I believe dynamic DNS has this problem).

I'll close with perhaps my favorite part of the discussion, why performance of the DNS system was better than use of the local HOSTS.TXT file. As the authors state, "the old mechanisms were created for a much smaller database and were not adjusted as the size of database grew explosively". That is, DNS was immediately more efficient than doing a search through the really large HOSTS.TXT file! This seems like a lucky break for the DNS folks ...

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